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Anne Whitlock-Kriayts

https://kriaytive.com/cuppa-faith-create A passionate artist who creates art adventures to share God's Love.

About this speaker

Gorgeous One ~ Welcome

My name is Anne Louise, and I am coming to share this with you from Australia!

I have been teaching for several decades now in my studio, but took my Art online rather recently and love it. I run a Kindness FB group of 60k+ people and we create KIndness Rocks. Most days I share a tutorial on how to create one. My followers create the rock and then we all abandon them in our communities around the world to spread kindness. You never know who will find it and what they are going through that day.

In covid isolation, I started a FREE online zoom call once a week so we could all jump on and connect, create, and share friendship. And from there, I created my monthly subscription group. Where we all art together and welcome anyone who loves a Cuppa, Art, and Friendship chats to join us.

I love to facilitate online Art Retreats as a way for us all to connect from around the world. 12 of the regulars met up in a Castle in Spain to create for a week in April 2024~ a week of Art, Friendship & Fun.

Leading into 2024 The Lord has bought me a new way of sharing my art and I am praying it will be the majority of my art sharing for the future. February saw me sharing my first free Faith-based online weekend retreat - where I shared how to create Faith-based Kindness rocks & Kindness cards. There were 20 lessons and all had a bible verse, Faith-based message, and a 'yarn' (Yarning is Aussie speak for a conversation that involves the sharing of one's own stories and the creation of new knowledge)

I use Art to evangelize ~ preach the gospel, and declare my faith. God is good ~ every time. The power of Faith Retreats is that we are ALL spreading the Word. Each card or rock is marked with a bible verse, so when we blindly abandon them in the community, whoever God chooses finds them and knows the message for them.

Personally, I am studying for my Bachelor of Ministry and I am super excited to see where that leads. I have lived and worked in Nepal for 10 years with my own charity, facilitating Women's Empowerment and Employment programs. All my Art classes have profits donated to support my charity.

I am super excited to be in conference this weekend with you and look forward to getting to know you more.

Have a Beautiful week Sister ~ Yours in Christ Anne Louise x

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Mary of Bethany ~ For the Love of HIM

Anne Whitlock-Kriayts