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Tammy Trayer

Lover of Jesus, Integrative Health Practitioner, certified Christ-centered Breathworker, Author, Faith Led Healing, LLC

About this speaker

Hi Friends! My name is Tammy Trayer. First and foremost, I am a lover of Jesus! I am also an author, writer, blogger, educator, podcaster, virtual Integrative Health practitioner, and certified Christ-centered biblical breathworker. My family and I have lived 100% off-grid in the wilds of north Idaho for the last 14 years.

I had life-saving surgery in 2016. God diagnosed me when the medical system laughed at me, He guided me to the doctor, and when I arrived for surgery, they said, "A week later, you wouldn’t be here. Your organs are shutting down".

I followed God’s still, small voice! We had nothing, yet God provided every penny needed to travel across the country for a month. I was a very active, athletic, type-A personality, and I was flat on my back for a year following my surgery. God grew me, shaped me, molded me, showed me, and used me during this time, and God has built my faith muscles to such a degree that I no longer experience fear, worry, or anxiety. When things don’t go as planned, I don’t skip a step! I TRUST His plan over mine, and you will find me hanging on to Jesus' robe hem, living life to the fullest, and completely allowing Him to guide me in everything I do!

My family and I have been educating on our off-grid traditional lifestyle for 14 years. I have loved every minute, and now my mess has become my message. Over the last eight years, God has been redirecting my steps. I have been involved in natural health and herbs since I was 14, and I've spent the last eight years on a deep dive into naturally healing, rebuilding, and restrengthening my body. In my practice Faith Led Healing, I help people get to the root causes of what is ailing them and holding them back. I use Breathwork to help them calm and destress the body because we must first remove the stress and stressors for our bodies to heal. I help them take their life and health into their own hands while guiding them to rebalance Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically, in that order, for their bodies to regain their vitality, health, and life. God is front and center in my business, and I truly am in awe daily, seeing His hand at work in my clients. I love the outdoors, being healthy, and teaching others how to find solitude and renewal in nature and live a healthy life. This, of course, includes a rich relationship with Jesus!

I am passionate about helping others and showing them how to achieve this amazing place and deep relationship with Jesus I have found by using the tools God has blessed us with - our faith, His word, deep prayer, and our God-given breath! I love empowering others to step into their purpose (the best things in life are on the other side of our comfort zone) and soar through and for Him!

I also feel it is extremely important to surround ourselves with the right people. People who build us up, surround us in prayer, love us as we are, and join hands and walk out this crazy thing called life together! With that being said, I would love to have you join me in my free community: www.FaithLedHealing.com/wowcommunity

You can find me at:

www.FaithLedHealing.com (& www.FaithLedLiving.com)

Instagram: @FaithLedHealing (& @FaithLedLiving)

YouTube: @FaithLedHealing (& @FaithLedLiving)

On your podcast apps: Faith Led Healing Podcast (& Mountain Woman Radio)

My Books: FaithLedHealing.com/tammytrayer

I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of last year's conference. Last year was my first conference, and I felt I had the opportunity to get my feet wet and hopefully encourage and inspire others. I am excited to take things a bit deeper with my session this year. God is working tremendously in my life right now, and I would love another opportunity for His light to shine through my cracks (we are all cracked pots (sinners), and it is our decision to let His light shine through us)! I am looking for every opportunity to share His love and promises and encourage others to hone in on their gifts and let their light shine through their cracks. Our world is upside down, sideways, and many are confused, though we have great power in using our voice and our gifts to reach the lost, just as the Women of the Word. It's time to be impactful! Look forward to spending time with you!

May God bless you Mightily!

Tammy Trayer

PS: My family and I stepped out in faith on July 17th trusting God to open the doors to our biggest prayer and life dream to live in interior Alaska. The doors have been blown wide open and we are embarking on our biggest journey yet. If you would like to watch God's visible hand of blessing on our family, I encourage you to join me in our Community, on my Podcasts, and on YouTube. We will be sharing our dream lived in faith as it is unraveling!

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Rebekah - Beautiful and Called, Obedient and Faithful or Deceitful and Destructive

Tammy Trayer