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Sara Bryant

Woman, Where are Your Accusers?

Session Sara Bryant (Owner/Designer, Keys of the Kingdom & Rightly Dividing Truth)

About this Session

My session focuses on the story of the woman who was caught in the act of adultery. God has been bringing me to this story a lot lately.

A lot of Christians seem to focus on telling people that Jesus said "go and (live in) sin no more", but neglect that the first part of what He told the woman was that He did not condemn her. Especially when sharing with unsaved people, our focus MUST be on sharing that Christ doesn't condemn, but shares His grace.

Then and ONLY with His help, are we able to "live in" sin no more! In my session I will create a page or perhaps a booklet focusing on the grace of God through Christ being what enables us to no longer live in sin.

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About The Speakers

Sara Bryant

Sara Bryant

Owner/Designer, Keys of the Kingdom & Rightly Dividing Truth

An ordained minister of the Gospel. Author.