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Our speakers will be sharing their experiences, strategies and knowledge. Who are you going to watch?

Tracie Rollins

Owner, Bible Journaling Ministries

Shalon Day

Bible Journaling Ministries

Regina Beard

Bible Art Lady

Amy Benham

Growing Your Faith, growingyourfaith.com/freebies

Janet Broussard

Sara Bryant

Owner/Designer, Keys of the Kingdom & Rightly Dividing Truth

Vee Castro

Jesus Art & Crafts with Vee


Devotion in Action (www.devotioninaction.com)

Kelly Gadsden

Owner/Designer, www.PrintPraySlay.com

Lynn Grobler

I agree, https://www.facebook.com/groups/294936261117154/

Tyra Harnishfeger

Blogger/Admin, Proverbs3Three

Nicole Horant

I agree, www.coramdeoministriesnikki.com

Tori Jennings


Tammy Jo Becker

Founder | Co-Chair to God, You Ministries

Roxanne Kennedy

The Maker Heart Studio, @themakerheartstudio

Anne Whitlock-Kriayts


Kimberly McCann

Founder, His Palette

Hirjalda Mobley

Owner, https://halleluhalleluyah.etsy.com/

Lonny Rollins

Customer Support, Bible Journaling Ministries

Jade Sibblies

Owner, Etched By Faith

Lorri Spencer

I agree, https://www.facebook.com/wovenwithglitter/ & Woven with Glitter @wovenwithglitter Youtube

Lillian Stevens

Hey Creative Sister, https://heycreativesister.com/

Amanda Stores

Tammy Trayer

Lover of Jesus, Integrative Health Practitioner, certified Christ-centered Breathworker, Author, Faith Led Healing, LLC

Charlene Warwick

Artspirations, https://bio.link/charlenewarwick

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