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Register for the FREE Online Women of the Word Bible Journaling Conference

October 16-18, 2024

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With the Women of the Word Bible Journaling Conference, you will have a chance to Win Prizes from our Sponsors and Speakers!

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Every All-Access and All-Access+ Pass is another Bible Donated!

This year we're helping at-risk children with the Word of God.

1 All-Access/All-Access+ Pass = 1 Bible. For every all-access or all-access+ pass sold, at least one Bible will be provided to at-risk children through the American Bible Society.

Our conference goal is to provide 1,000 Bibles to at-risk girls and boys around the world. Millions of children worldwide — are suffering from loss, pain, poverty, the pandemic, and lack of education. But through your all-access pass purchase, you will make an eternal difference in their lives.

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All-Access Pass

$49 USD
  • Live Broadcasts and Replays

  • All content available

Want to Rewatch the Sessions or Can't Make it During the Dates of the Conference?

Secure Your All-Access Pass Today! The All-Access Pass includes lifetime access to the presentations and downloads. Charity Sponsor Bonus - 1 Pass = 1 Bible. For every all-access pass sold, at least one Bible will be provided to an unreached person through the conference partnership with American Bible Society!**Pre-Conference Price is $29. Price goes up to $39 during the conference and $49 after the conference. So get your pass early!**


Take a look at the exciting agenda we have planned for you.